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☆☆☆☆☆PIXAR <ピクサー> 世界一のアニメーション企業の今まで語られなかったお金の話 単行本(ソフトカバー) – 2019/3/15








☆☆☆☆ PIXAR <Pixar> The story of money that has never been told by the world’s best animation company Book (soft cover) – 2019/3/15

This is a document that describes the process from the initial public offering to the acquisition of Disney by the person who was entrusted with Pixar’s debt.

First of all, it is very easy to read. It is written neatly in chronological order, and it feels like spending that time with the author.

Next comes the famous Pixar, Apple, and Steve Jobs. Pixar was established and has been operated with Jobs pocket money for a while. That’s a toy story and a lot of money, and with Jobs, you can reach the public offering and acquisition by Disney. You can feel close to the activities of the three parties.

Finally, you can see what management points and top management are thinking about. It will be helpful for those who are currently operating a small company and those who are going to start a business. 8/8/2019

私はApple computerのMacintosh SE/30+スタイルライターを90万円で買ってからずっとマックを使っています。我が家にはiMac, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, AirMac timecapsuleがあります。 Apple関連の本もたくさん読んできました。

☆☆☆☆☆スティーブ・ジョブズ I・IIセット 単行本 – 2011/11/5

スティーブ・ジョブズ I・IIセット 単行本 – 2011/11/5



ジョブズ伝記の公式版であり決定版でもあります。その性格の破天荒さ、自分の上司でなくて本当に良かった。ですがこの破天荒さが我が家にあるMacシリーズ、iPod, iPhoneを作ったと思うと納得できます。





Steve Jobs I · II set book – 2011/11/5 Bought at the book off at the top and bottom both 218 yen, total 436 yen. I can buy a book that I thought was wanting it for 400 yen a little. It was a really good age. It is the official version of Jobs biography and also the definitive version. Its torrential roughness of its character, I was really not that I was my boss. However, I can agree that this stormyness makes Mac series, iPod, iPhone in our home. I am also at the age of Jobs’s death. I started real estate investment because I thought that I would die one day. I also want to work on the front line until just before death like Jobs. Also, after reading this book, I was recog- nized that “I am happy to die from cancer.” If you could choose a variety of deaths, what I most hope for is “Pinpirin” (sudden death even though it was fine and normal until a while ago), and if you die of chronic disease it is a malignant tumor of the digestive system . When reading this book, Jobs died of pancreatic cancer (neuroendocrine malignant tumor). It is because it was a neuroendocrine system that lived far longer than a pancreas that usually does not have a year. If you live this much longer you can prepare for death well enough. This book was completed because I had time to prepare for death. What I most want to avoid is that it becomes a plant state due to cerebral infarction, and is made alive by making a gastrostomy (PEG). It is said that I want a family not to make a gastrostomy absolutely. I want you to die with pneumonia in the stomach tube or infected with central venous nutrition and become sepsis. I would like to die without doing any inconvenience as far as possible.

☆☆☆☆スティーブ・ジョブズ 無謀な男が真のリーダーになるまで (上)(下)巻セット

スティーブ・ジョブズ 無謀な男が真のリーダーになるまで(上) 単行本(ソフトカバー) – 2016/9/8

スティーブ・ジョブズ 無謀な男が真のリーダーになるまで(下) 単行本(ソフトカバー) – 2016/9/8

Becoming Steve Jobs: The evolution of a reckless upstart into a visionary leader

2017/9/9アマゾンで新品を購入 上下2巻の本です。公式伝記は伝記を書くために本人に直接長時間インタビューしていますが、こちらはジョブズと筆者の過去のやり取りや記事を作った時の資料、ジョブズの周辺の人たちへの聞き取りで本を作っています。 この本で面白いのは、上巻のNeXTを運営ている部分。公式伝記ではほとんど書かれていない部分でもあります。アップルコンピュータを追い出され、アップルに復習するためだけにNeXTコンピュータを立ち上げた後の失敗の数々が鮮明に書かれています。この部分を読むと、ジョブズのような天才であっても誰でも分かるような失敗をするのだと納得すると同時に、これらの失敗があったからこそアップルに復帰した後の驚異の10年間(iMAc, iPod, iTunes, iPhone, iPad)がもたらされたのだと理解できます。 「人生、無駄な経験はない」とはよく聞く常套句でしかもかなりうさん臭い言葉です。しかしジョブズに限って言えば無駄な経験はなかったようです。振り返って自分はどうだろうか。私もいろいろ失敗してきました。その失敗の上に今の生活があると時々思い返していかなければなりません。


Purchase a new item on Amazon 9/9/9 It is a book of 2 top and 2 volumes. Official biography interviewed himself for a long time directly in order to write biographies, but this time I made a book by interviewing Jobs and past magazines of the past, materials at the time of making an article, listening to people around Jobs It is. What is interesting in this book is the part that operates NeXT in the first volume. It is a part that is hardly written in the official biography. There are clearly written a number of failures after being kicked out of the Apple computer and launching the NeXT computer just to review Apple. When I read this part, I am convinced that even a genius like Jobs will make a mistake that you can understand, and at the same time, because of these mistakes it is only after 10 years of amazement (iMAc, iPod, iTunes, iPhone, iPad) has been brought to you. “Life, there is no useless experience” is a common phrase to listen often and is quite a smelly word. However, it seems that there was no wasteful experience in Jobs. Looking back, how about myself? I have also failed a lot. I have to think back from time to time that there is a present life on top of that failure.   


Apple I, Apple IIを創ったもう一人のスティーブ、スティーブ・ウオズニアックの自伝です。自伝といっても自分で書いたわけではなく、インタビューを別のライターがまとめたものです。ですのでとても読みやすい。   内容は、アップルの創設期の話が半分以上です。これは当然で、ウオズニアックが活躍したのはApple IIまでですから、その後のことは語る内容も乏しくなります。 私が一番面白かったのは第20章「人生の法則」 ・自分を信じること。迷っちゃだめだ ・(常識やそれを振りかざす人に)足を引っ張られちゃだめだ ・世界は白黒なんかじゃない。白と黒の間に様々な濃さのグレーがあるんだ。 色々なところで聞く言葉ですが、いっている人がウオズですから。

Apple I, another Steve who created the Apple II, is the autobiography of Steve Wozniak. It is not that I wrote it by myself even though it was an autobiography, but the interview was put together by another writer. It is so easy to read. Content is more than half the story of Apple’s founding period. This is natural, and since it is up to Apple II that Ospeniak played an active part, the contents to talk about after that become scarce. The most interesting thing about me was Chapter 20 “The Law of Life”-Believing in yourself. Don’t get lost • (For common sense and those who shake it) Don’t pull your legs • The world is not black and white. There are various shades of gray between white and black. It is a word to hear in various places, but because the person who is saying is Woz.

☆☆☆☆☆ジョナサン・アイブ 偉大な製品を生み出すアップルの天才デザイナー



This book is interesting. This is the track from birth to present of Jonathan Ive, Apple's chief designer and designer. It has been shown that Jonathan Ive has been an exceptionally talented student since I was a student, that I did not put too much weight into Apple, and my encounter with Jobs shows that I am and Apple now. In addition, it is one of the pleasure that prototypes such as iPhone can be seen by photograph.




☆☆☆☆☆ピクサー流 創造するちから――小さな可能性から、大きな価値を生み出す方法



Organization theory by Pixar president. From 30 years of experience, it is what management theory to keep creating. The person who leads that Pixar is also persuasive. It's just long anyway. In the last chapter, the encounter with the deceased Jobs and the farewell are described. I think it was good to buy just to read this. Also, as an appendix, the essential points of management that Catmul thinks are in a bullet. The problem naturally arises, and the story of making every effort to solve rather than prevent is very fresh to me living in the world of "prevention" and "incident."



☆☆スティーブ・ジョブズだったらこうするね! カリスマリーダーの問題解決力

☆☆スティーブ・ジョブズだったらこうするね! カリスマリーダーの問題解決力





I will do this if Steve Jobs! Charisma leader’s problem solving power

Purchased at 200 yen at 2017/1/3 at book off

A book that raises the problems faced by the company and shows how it was resolved in Jobs through past actions.

The content was cited mostly from Steve Jobs’ official biography, and there was no new discovery. I also feel that Jobs is being beautified too much. Jobs was at the top of the company (Although it says that it was able to be done even when it was not the president of the company in the sentence, it is because this is the person who made Apple, it should be able to exercise influence even if it is not the president) There are lots of things you can not do under your subordinates, so I ignore it at all.

Because I like Jobs and this book was interesting ☆ There are two, but I think that it is one ☆ if you do not have much interest in Jobs.


☆☆スティーブ・ジョブズ 神の交渉術―独裁者、裏切り者、傍若無人…と言われ、なぜ全米最強CEOになれたのか

スティーブ・ジョブズ 神の交渉術―独裁者、裏切り者、傍若無人…と言われ、なぜ全米最強CEOになれたのか



Steve Jobs God’s negotiation techniques – dictators, traitors, insolent people … Why did you become the strongest CEO in the country?

2016/3 / 28 Purchased for 200 yen at book off. Actually I bought it once a few years ago …

The content is not “god’s bargaining technique” but “demon negotiation technique”. Since it is a successful person, there are many ways to do it, but it will not be normal in general




☆☆☆スティーブ・ジョブズ 夢と命のメッセージ――夢と命のメッセージ。勇気と情熱をくれる名言141 知的生きかた文庫



Steve Jobs Message of dreams and life – messages of dreams and life. Famous words that give courage and passion 141 Intellectual living style book collection

Purchased on April 29, Okidoki. ¥ 108

A book that gathered Jobs’ remarks. I could enjoy a lot of remarks that I knew well. Because I can not convince how to make this book because I reduced ☆ by two. There is no explanation of the era of the era, the length of the remarks also varies, and there is no explanation. I wanted people who do not know Jobs to understand the meaning of the remarks.

