サイトアイコン 不動産学習帳

管理の基本は掃除 Management basics cleaning



The basis of management is cleaning.
Castle Toko was suitable for a neglected apartment and it was all you could deserve. The first feature of the neglected apartment is the abandonment of coarse garbage. In the picture before purchase, there were many abandoned bicycles after the car. In addition, a lot of garbage such as tires and car supplies left untouched by past tenants was left in the underground sheds (Photo is the underground shed at the final stage of cleaning). I put them in bags using holidays and discarded them as unburnable garbage and coarse garbage. It took me more than one month to discard it because it was not possible to take as garbage protruded from the bag of unburnable garbage on the way.
Also, I picked up garbage every time I go. Clearly there were thrown away from the neighboring apartment, but I picked up all that I got.


Next is the treatment of weeds.
Because it is a pet-proof apartment including twin-facing facing property, we saved time and trouble by spreading herbicide for parking lot. Since this herbicide has a strong effect of suppressing the germination of grass, weak ability to kill weeds already growing is weak, so we also used round-up as an immediate herbicide.


As the garbage disappeared in the parking lot and the weeds disappeared, the feeling of desperation became a little better. It is common in the world where “cleaning is basic”.
