サイトアイコン 不動産学習帳

人の感じ方の違い Difference in how people feel






写真ではよくわかりませんが、換気扇周りも流しの戸もひどいヤニ色になっていたのですがク  レームは来ませんでした。入居に対しての唯一と言える要求は、洗面台のホーローが割れているから何とかしてくれ、というものでした。そのため洗面台を新品に交換しました(これもこの物件以降はホーロー専用修理ボンドで修理するようになりました)。




After Castle Toko Light Room 206 was decided, six rooms were decided by the end of September, and it became fully booked. It is a couple of months since the first resident was decided at the end of July after obtaining Castle Toko on May 1, 5 months.

The tenants also decided the room which I wrote before, which is terrible in Yani.

This accordion curtain has been thrown away in soiling (but in Florence we had a beautiful store clean up a similar dirty accordion curtain.

I do not understand well in the photograph, but the claim did not come although the ventilator fan and sink door were also badly colored. The only requirement for tenancy was that the enamel of the washbasin was broken, so somehow. For that reason we replaced the washbasin with a new one (this also began to repair with repair bond for dedicated enamel after this property).

It was an example that felt strongly that the disadvantages felt by people are all different.

Also, the accordion curtain and wash basin did a wasteful thing. From now on I began thinking seriously about reclaiming properties without spending money.

