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書評☆☆「世界の大富豪2000人に学んだ 幸せに成功する方法」Book Review ☆ ☆ “How to Succeed in Happiness That You Learned from the 2000 Millionaire in the World”


世界の大富豪2000人に学んだ 幸せに成功する方法

amazon を見ると結構評判が良いようですが、私は駄目でした。





Learning from the world’s millionaire 2000 people how to succeed happily

I seem to have a good reputation when I see amazon, but I was useless.

There is no ground (no one other than Rothschild comes out → anyone can write)

· Boasting talks to the nose (How about it because you bought a Ferrari)

· Only stories heard somewhere

I will not accept the place to write the successful person “Suigetsu”. Just being easy to read is no doubt.

