サイトアイコン 不動産学習帳

書評☆☆☆☆「ゼロからの不動産投資」Book Review ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ “Real estate investment from zero”





私はこちらより同じ作者の めざせ! 満室経営 本気ではじめる不動産投資 の方が面白かった

Real estate investment from zero

The content is plain and interesting as a reading. There are also many theoretical and reference parts.

However, the title is fake. It is not “from zero”. It is an excellent person who becomes a top management company (Furret Packard?) And later becomes a managerial post. We are acquiring remote properties and large properties one after another

I am aiming for the same author from here! Real estate investment that starts full-fledged management is more interesting
