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書評☆☆☆家賃収入2千万円 山田里志の超アパート・マンション投資術―本気でオーナーを目指す人のための夢実現手引書 Book Review ☆ ☆ ☆ Rent income of 20 million yen Ri Yamada’s super apartment · Mansion investment technique – real dream realization for people aiming for owner


家賃収入2千万円 山田里志の超アパート・マンション投資術―本気でオーナーを目指す人のための夢実現手引書




Rent revenue 20 million yen Ri Yamada’s super apartment · Mansion investment technique – real dream realization manual for people aiming for owner

Purchased 2014/2/7

I surely wrote in my book that I published before this book. In this book, a story comes out that my older brother bought an apartment after reading his book.

I thought it interesting when I first read it, and it is interesting to read it smoothly even if I read it now. However, as for the contents, only reading ordinary things is written when reading now. The real estate owner’s book is difficult.
