サイトアイコン 不動産学習帳

書評☆☆☆☆底辺から年収1,000万超の不動産投資術~「資産」より「仕組み」を買え! Book Review ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ Real estate investment technique with annual salary more than 10 million from the base – Buy “mechanism” from “asset”!






Real estate investment technique with annual salary more than 10 million from the bottom ~ Buy “mechanism” from ‘asset’!

Purchased March 20, 2014

The selling of this book is a story of p34-52. Other than that it is annealing of this man ‘s past in the past. However, it is interesting.
I am not low-income like this experience story, but there are still things I can get married.

It is well written how we can earn stable revenue of real estate with our own eyes that we do not have. There is not enough momentum to buy one apartment apartment which is the first book of this person, but change of attitude from the first book to this book (for example, thinking of socializing with a dealer from a posture that aims at cost reduction blindly) You can enjoy including changes in attitude that allow even a slight increase in cost). So, this book should be read in sets as long as you buy one apartment. I will not lose by buying it.
