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書評☆☆☆サラリーマン大家さんのための絶対失敗しない物件選び Book Review ☆ ☆ ☆ Salary Man for Mr. Oya’s Absolute Failure Property Selection







Absolute unsuccessful property selection for salaried man owner

Purchased August 3, 813

It is an auction book. Actually, universal matters other than auction occupies 1/3 of all pages, but it is a handbook for winning the auction as a whole and smoothly bringing the property to orbit.

Recently I read the first book of this person and found out that the contents of the books issued after that were covered in the first book.

The current auction seems to have been bidding for a price that does not differ much from what we buy on ordinary sales routes even in the property of Asahikawa. Although we always check the information of the auction, it seems that the auction which does not know whether it can make a successful bid with less deliciousness compared with the year 2010 in which this book was published seems to be less attractive.
