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書評☆☆ユダヤ人大富豪の教え 幸せな金持ちになる17の秘訣 (だいわ文庫) Book Review ☆ ☆ Teaching the Jewish Millionaire The secret of 17 becoming a happy rich man (Daiwa Bunko)


ユダヤ人大富豪の教え 幸せな金持ちになる17の秘訣 (だいわ文庫)





The teaching of the Jewish millionaire The secret of 17 becoming a happy rich man (Daiwa Bunko)

Purchased in 2013

A famous rich book. It is certainly interesting but the content is very lying. Does life change with this? What?

It might be good for killing time

I have read other books of this person, but I can not feel the originality. A book called the millionaire in Japan is also a matter of consideration and ends in the same argument. It is sufficient if you read one volume. In addition, just browsing is full of stomach. Every book is an annealing with exactly the same content.
