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書評☆☆☆☆☆成功者の告白 5年間の起業ノウハウを3時間で学べる物語 Book Review ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ Confession of Successful story A story that lets you learn 5 years of entrepreneurial know-how in 3 hours


成功者の告白 5年間の起業ノウハウを3時間で学べる物語





Confession of a successful story A story that learns entrepreneurial know-how of 5 years in 3 hours

Purchased around 2012

The entrepreneurial know-how is not written (although the entrepreneur’s circumstances are written a little, but it is not know-how) there is a lie in the title. However, most of the know-how after entrepreneurship is covered. It is a wonderful book. It is a book for managers, not for people used by people.

It is well written in the story-like style, such as changes in marital relationships that accompany the entrepreneurial success, female relationships and betrayal, children’s illnesses, and employee independence. Although this book ends with a happy ending, I think that there is also a place where the family collapses as it is.

People thinking about entrepreneurs, those who set up the company read books without loss
