サイトアイコン 不動産学習帳

結局お金が好きなだけらしい After all it seems that he likes money



Castle Toko is going to xxxx Life’s president twice. The first time I saw the property for the first time, the next time I was taught the point of interior repair. Since it was the first property in any way, I did not know how to arrange the interior and bring in residents, so I thought that I should ask the chairman who has been doing real estate management for many years.





As a result, it was not useful at all. More than what our couple thinks does not come out as to how to change the place where we change, and we have proposed only things that cost money, such as “change all entrance doors.” Even so, as soon as I heard this, I finally got to talk about it. When we purchased the property we adjusted the time soon, but it took time to take the apo when the business was established.

After all, this president is that likes money but does not like real estate.

I did not do most of the suggested things, but still filled up after 5 months.
I will control with this president in a month and manage it.


