サイトアイコン 不動産学習帳

芦別一戸建て住宅5:居間 Ashibetsu-detached house Housing 6: Living room


A detached house in Ashibetsu that I had not done anything so far though I had purchased it in June


It is a condominium building 2 storey residential building which was constructed in Hokkaido in the Showa 40s age. The same buildings are also continued around my property.

There is not much problem in the living room.

It is facing south and very bright. The window has a window on the outside and it is a triple window.

ストーブは南商事の松山さんに中古品を入れてもらいました 写真は古いストーブ。床暖房があるので暖かいです。
The stove was asked Mr. Matsuyama of Minami Shoji to put second hand goods. The picture is an old stove. It is warm because there is floor heating.
Since the floor heating panel rests on the back western room, I will relocate it in front.

It would be a nice room if you clean the wallpaper.
