サイトアイコン 不動産学習帳

芦別の一戸建ての隣の家も賃貸に出ていた A house next to Ashibetsu-no-detached house was also rented

The house on the left side of this house which is currently renovating was also being rented out in a vacant house.

こちらです 売り家でなくて賃貸。
Here it is
Lease rather than selling house.
I can see the house I bought in the back of the picture below.

Making is a bit different. There is no shed, like my house.
Because it seems that the ground is ruled by the railway to increase the number of the property, I called the owner of this house, it is said that the borrower has already attached. When I heard the price, it seems that cheaper than 45,000 yen. Because it would be an amateur for rent, I would have lent it without making it much beautiful.
The owner lives in Sapporo. Because there is a possibility that this property will be handed off due to circumstances of something, I wrote a letter and requested “I want you to sell the future.”
