サイトアイコン 不動産学習帳

カナダプレイスを見る View Canada Place

When applying for Asahi Sho Heights which is a favorite through the mini mini central store, we declined to look for another room because it was refused by haste that it is useless to have unspecified number going in and out.

Vacancy discovery. In the window on the sign that says “English conversation” is written “vacancy”. I have not written contact information.
This apartment was also requesting the mini-mini central store to look inside, but it was a property that I could not see because I could not contact the landlord.
Because I knew that this apartment owner’s house is opening an English conversation classroom in this apartment with the same neighborhood association as this apartment, I decided to try to directly negotiate whether I can not borrow a room.

The key of the room was open, so that anyone could see it, so I went to see it with my wife.

Construction in 1985. Built 33 years. It is an apartment for students of Asahikawa Medical University. At the beginning of the course I had plenty of apartments similar to this neighborhood.
Western-style 6 books, the back is 4 tatami mats, the kitchen is 3 tatami. A bath is also on.

It is old but it is something.
I decided to multiply with the landlord as an individual contract not going through broker. In such a case, the licenses of the residential building trading business (home building) are useful.
