サイトアイコン 不動産学習帳






世界の不動産投資王が明かす お金持ちになれる「超」不動産投資のすすめ—自己資金ゼロから始める究極の資産形成術:ドルフ・デ ルース





法則 1 購入した時に利益が生まれる

法則 2 売る気がある相手から買うこと

法則 3 物件に惚れるな、取引に惚れろ

法則 4 金額を先に提示するな

法則 5 景気に対抗する

法則 6 頭金はゼロか最小限に

法則 7 売らない

法則 8 10年に1度の取引は、週に1度やってくる



Real estate investment world reveals revealed to be wealthy “super” Investment in real estate investment – ultimate asset formation technique starting with zero funds own funds: Dorf De Ruth

☆☆☆☆☆ 5 stars

I have read many real estate books so far. This is the most interesting book among them.

And the essence of this book seems to be the real estate golden rule eight


Law 1 Benefit when purchasing

Law 2 To buy from the person you want to sell

Do not fall in love with the Law 3 Property, Fall in Transaction

Law 4 Do not present amounts

Rule 5 to combat the economy

Law 6 Down payment to zero or minimum

Law 7 Not selling

Law 8 Once every 10 years trading comes once a week


It is worth buying this book even if you read this 8 golden rules. Those who have not read it yet please read it.


改訂版 金持ち父さんの若くして豊かに引退する方法 (単行本) 単行本 – 2015/11/9



加藤ひろゆき氏の「ボロ物件でも高利回り」p250に載っている文献です。 (function(b,c,f,g,a,d,e){b.MoshimoAffiliateObject=a;b=b||function(){arguments.curren...
















書評☆☆☆☆☆不動産は工夫しだいでゼッタイ儲かる!―諦めないで! Book Review ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ Real estate depends on ingenuity and it’s profitable! – Do not give up!






中古ボロ物件 と同じ中村一晴さんの著作。入手した当初はそれほど面白いとは思いませんでしたが、今読み返すととても面白い。経験を積むと面白くなる本です。








Obtained 2014/2/7

Depending on the ingenuity of real estate, it’s profitable!

A work written by Mr. Ichiharu Nakamura same as used boro property. I did not think that it was so interesting at the beginning, but it is very interesting to read back now. It is a book that will make you interesting when you gain experience.

I borrow ideas from this book. Conditions for when I first tried to sign a management contract with xxxx life referenced this book. Specifically, p197-198

· Contract is one year. No automatic extension. If there is no offer, cancel the contract
· The administrative fee is not per one building but how much per rent (total number of entrances)

Also I studied with this book to select construction contractor himself and order my own construction.

It is a publication in 2008, but it seems that it is a good book and plays a lot of lithography.


書評☆☆☆☆☆まずはアパート一棟、買いなさい! 資金300万円から家賃年収1000万円を生み出す極意 Book Review ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ First of all, buy a apartment, buy! Three million yen to generate a rent annual income of 10 million yen







(May 1, 2018)

I recommend Suruga Bank in this book. Although I was convinced when I read the first thing, in order to buy the property oneself, it seems to me that a person who can only receive the loan by the Suruga Bank should not hand out real estate. “Pumpkin carriage” It became convinced after the uproar came.

Real estate can not be done by anyone. If you borrow money from the Suruga Bank to buy an apartment, it is healthier to buy a country house in cash.


まずはアパート一棟、買いなさい! 資金300万円から家賃年収1000万円を生み出す極意



First of all, buy a apartment, get the annual salary of 10 million yen from the capital 3 million yen

Purchased 2014/2/9

It is a recommended book as one of the first books of people thinking about real estate investment. When this book was written, because the economy was bad and the property was cheaper than the present, the price of the property and the terms of the bank’s loan will be different from the present, but still the basic content of what apartment management is written is written It is. It is also interesting as a mere reading.


書評☆☆☆☆☆兼業「大家さん」黒字経営マニュアル 「賃貸ビジネス」で失敗しないための78の実践法則 Book Review ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ Concurrent Business “Oya-san” Surplus Management Manual 78 practical laws for not failing in “rental business”



兼業「大家さん」黒字経営マニュアル 「賃貸ビジネス」で失敗しないための78の実践法則




Concurrent business “Oya-san” profitable management manual 78 practical laws for not failing in “rental business”

This book is best for me in the book of the original salaried man owner. We have written extensively until complaints and tax measures after buying from the attitude of life before buying. At the end of the book, the state of actual renovation in color is written with photos and can be read funny.

Because there are many duplications written by Mr. Yuji Fujiyama, I frequently think that “This content was also written in that book”, but even those books can still be read interestingly because this person’s talent Is not it?


「サラリーマンでも大家さんになれる46の秘訣」”The secret of 46 that can be a landlord even at a salaried worker”











When I thought about saving savings that I have worked so far to invest, the first thing I came up with was stocks and trust investment. It was also ordered or the article in the typical fund or buy the Quarterly, but it was never set foot since the uncertain factor is almost no more room for their own efforts.

When I was studying stocks and trust investment, I bought a book called “secret of 46 that can be an owner of a salaried worker” in book off with 100 yen plus tax. I was a fresh surprise as I had never studied real estate investment at this time. Every day, I read it all the time without getting tired.

This book advises you to obtain property at auction. So there are things that I also went to see the auction property of Asahikawa, that day on the first floor of the five-story apartment house was floating molds to poor window, the time to only get only one room usually for take of in, because income is also bad only 3 of thousands of yen and revenue efficiency, was put up on the auction (the way the property had remained until special sale without being at all successful bid).

I changed my policy to buying a used apartment and asked a real estate agency nearby. It’s in January 2014. At the same time, I bought real estate-related books carefully and started studying real estate for 2 hours every day.
