書評☆資産家ドクター、貧困ドクター 不動産運用の成功者と金融のプロが教える医師のための錬金術 単行本(ソフトカバー) – 2016/4/29 Book Review ☆ Asset Doctor, Poverty Doctor Alchemy for the Successful Real Estate Investigator and the Doctor Who Can Teach the Financial Tutor paperbook (Softcover) – Apr. 29, 2016

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資産家ドクター、貧困ドクター 不動産運用の成功者と金融のプロが教える医師のための錬金術 単行本(ソフトカバー) – 2016/4/29



Asset Doctor, Poverty Doctor Alchemy for the Successful Real Estate Investigators and Financial Professionals Teaching Physics Paperback (Softcover) – Apr. 29, 2016

On January 5, 2018, when you were watching the Web, you got it as a free gift for readers. You can get it from here as well (top right hand “Recommended Books Piko”) You can have it even if you are not a doctor.

It is a book from a company specialized in self-publishing publication called Gentosha Media Consulting. It is a self-published publication and it is full of commercials of “Tribe Holdings Co., Ltd.” by getting free.





Even though it is self-published, there are good books rarely, but this book was a book of “I got it free and got the correct answer”. It is a book to make “Tribe Holdings Co., Ltd.” profit rather than a book to make doctors profitable.

The way of life with the argument is the same as the book of public officials. First we encourage the crisis and then present a solution. Finally, it shows a success example. There are parts that can convince people that there are also such people in the first crisis, but there are no solutions or successes afterwards.

· Let me borrow up to 1 billion yen in a short time (I am afraid that I can not do it very much)
· Reinforced concrete specialty (It seems that wooden construction is costly to maintain)
· Buy a new apartment building. If it does not, it is classified ownership
· Absolutely our sublease


10億円、これを2年間で借金させるのです。余裕を見ても5年だそうです。信じられません。で、この本によると「これで資産10億円になります」??借金が10億円なだけで、返済するまでは資産ではないでしょう。成功例として挙げられているのを見ると、物件購入に対する利率は0-2%程度と思われます。中には「キャッシュフローはプラスマイナスゼロです(case 2)」という例もあり、億の借金で200-300万円の利益じゃ割に合いません。詰まるところ節税によってお金を得る話のようです。レオンと同じですね。

One billion yen, let me borrow this in two years. It seems that it is five years even if I can afford. can not believe. So, according to this book “It will be 1 billion yen in assets”? What? The debt is only 1 billion yen, it will not be an asset until repayment. Looking at the examples cited as successful examples, the interest rate on property purchase is probably around 0-2%. Some cases say “Cash flow is plus or minus zero (case 2)”, and it is not suitable for profit of 200-3 million yen with 100 million yen debt. It seems to be a story of getting money through tariff reduction. It is the same as Leon.


この本の致命的な矛盾は、最初に危機を煽った貧困ドクターが、最後の方の成功例として全く出てこないことです。最初は「医者でも30代で600万円」しか貰えない、と言っておきながら、成功例の医者としての最低年収は1500万円(case 2)。中には3000万円なんてのもある(case 1)。つまりこの本で貧困ドクターから資産家ドクターへの転出は不可能です。この点はふつうの公務員を成功例として紹介していた公務員の本の方が誠実だった。

The crucial contradiction of this book is that the poor doctor who first encouraged the crisis will never appear as a success example of the last one. At the beginning, the minimum annual income as a doctor of successful cases is 15 million yen (case 2), while saying that “Doctor can only receive 6 million yen in 30’s” in the 30’s. There are also 30 million yen in some (case 1). This means that escaping from poverty is impossible with this book. In this respect civil service books were more sincere.



I can not sympathize at all with the typical success example listed last. Currently 41 years old, plastic surgery. I was busy working as a worker and she was not there either. Opened a clinic of free medical examination in the mid 30’s. Currently owns two clinics. Successfully now I am interested in wine and surfing. 3 purchased foreign cars, a villa in Minamiboso. She seems to enjoy surfing for 2 weeks in Indonesia by chartering a cruiser twice a year. eh? Where is this real estate coming out? Besides, play is too much. The person himself seems to say “I like work,” but I feel that I am the only one who thinks that he is willing to pay for medical work as much as he is reading sentences.



This book makes a fool of my doctor. “The doctor has no time, I do not have time to study, so I am going to leave everything to us.” Even without time, as long as it is a doctor, you should absorb knowledge and find an optimal solution. Do not be impersonated by such a company.


