書評☆☆☆「頭のいい人」はシンプルに生きる―「快適生活」の方法 Book Review ☆ ☆ ☆ “a smart person” lives simply – the way of “comfortable life”

  • 19閲覧数:




原題はPulling your own strings. 人を操り人形に例え、自分の人生は自分で操りなさい、という啓蒙書です。前半1/3はつまらない内容ですが、その後は具体的な内容になり読んでいて面白くなります。


“A smart person” lives simply – the way of “comfortable life”

Purchased on January 31st 2016 Book Off

The original title is Pulling your own strings. It is an enlightenment note that you compare a person to a manipulating doll and manipulate your life yourself. The first half 1/3 is boring content, but after that it will be more concrete content and it will be fun to read.

I have read a number of self-development. The contents written are almost the same. Still it is my competence to make it feel interesting. However, I did not think that this book is persistent and is more interesting.

