このアパート いくらで売りますか How much does this apartment sell?

  • 38閲覧数:


The real estate agent I went for the first time in my life was a phone call. After chatting, “If you took a home building, please assess this property”. Asahikawa shi Kamiya’s apartment has 6 houses, it is currently fully booked. Maintenance is thoroughly done such as coating of walls.
The real estate agency here has many own-owned properties, and he seems to be selling one by one because he is over 70 years old. When I went to the first time, my own property was also introduced.
My reply is
· The price is 10% on the surface yield. If bullish, it is 9%. If you want to sell quickly 12%
· Target opponents in the metropolitan area.
· I will sell it this year
In various statistics, real estate prices have already fallen in the Tokyo metropolitan area. Even in Hokkaido, the downward trend will become prominent after six months. I responded that I would sell it before that.
My property has a surface interest rate of 21% at the very least (it costs money after purchase as it is a rattled property). It will not be a chance in this real estate agent’s property, but I am thankful for introducing it.

