書評☆☆☆異端の成功者が伝える億万長者(ビリオネア)の教科書 Book Review ☆ ☆ ☆ The textbook of the millionaires (Billionaire) conveyed by the heretic here

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Textbooks of billionaire (Billionaire) conveyed by heretical successful people

March 28, 2016 Purchased at 200 yen at book off.

Toshinobu Oshima, President of Toshinobu Oshima President of SFCG (Commercial Fund Before Changes), became a social problem in “proxy for blank paper of notarial deed” three years after this book (2005) , The company is going bankrupt in 2009 that four years later. It seems that when Oshima was the most riding in this book. Very bullish and eloquently speaking that you are doing the right thing.

I think that what you are saying is correct, you can easily read the slaslers. Just because I know the subsequent return destination, there are many scenes that I will draw on that bullish opinion. I think that it can not be helped from the background in the era if it only gets stuck in management, but if you learn that you are hiding assets in large quantities just before bankruptcy, I do not know what it is.

In addition, co-author Professor Shimpei Watanabe is just a supplement. Perhaps Toshinobu Oshima I think that the president of the publisher thought that books could not be sold just by president.

