書評☆☆☆Webマーケティングの入門教科書―高い成果を生み出すためのマーケティング/広告/プロモーションの手法とは (Web Designing Standards) Book Review ☆ ☆ ☆ Introduction to Web Marketing Textbooks – Marketing / Advertising / Promotion Methods to Create High Performance (Web Designing Standards)

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Webマーケティングの入門教科書―高い成果を生み出すためのマーケティング/広告/プロモーションの手法とは (Web Designing Standards)



アフェリエイトやSEO(検索エンジン最適化)は今も通じますが、RSS(rich site summary)やメール広告など、そんなこともあったなという内容もあります。


Introduction to Web marketing Textbook – Marketing / Advertising / Promotion method to create high results (Web Designing Standards)

Purchased at 200 yen in book off

It is an old book published in December 2005 first edition. Because it seems that the secular decade is said to be one year of IT, this book is a book of the Taisho era 110 years ago.
The content is definitely old. However, there are also contents which can still be understood.
· Database of the word of mouth (p.170)
. Information sent by the user moves the user (p 161)

Affiliate and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) are still available now, but there are also contents such as RSS (rich site summary) and e-mail advertisement.

Because it is a serious book, it is not very interesting for reading now. If there is content with more human nature, I would not be out of print, I think that I could have also published a new book. For example, whatever web or book,
– Attracting is apparent. What to get a repeat customer
· People like people. I love the word-of-mouth (this is also written in this book)
· Easy to understand

