書評☆☆☆もう、不満は言わない Book Review ☆ ☆ ☆ I do not say dissatisfaction anymore

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I do not say any more

Purchased for 108 yen at Okadoki.

The nice thing about this book is to propose to take action. The only book I have ever had was a concept. But this book advocates attaching a urethane bracelet on the wrist to the wrist, and when dissatisfied, when you try to say, you bracelet on the other wrist. Without a bracelet, you can use rubber bands or pocket stones. It is the liver of this book that makes you aware of how much you complained about complaints in a visible form.

“21 days” means to show the bracelet to the same arm for 21 days, that is, it has never complained or complained once in 21 days. The period required for not complaining for 21 consecutive days lasts from 4 months to 8 months is written in the book.

The content written is not that strange. Experience talks can also be predicted. However, it is the reason for good evaluation of this book to show by action.

