書評☆☆☆☆一番やさしい ピケティ「超」入門 単行本 – 2015/3/17 Book Review ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ The Easy Picketty “Ultra” Introductory Tutorial – 2015/3/17

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一番やさしい ピケティ「超」入門 単行本 – 2015/3/17



私がピケティについて内容を知ったのはこの本が初めてです。ふうん、そういう話だったのね。ピケティの主張する r>gは、きっとその通りで、昭和の高度成長時代だけがr<gだったのは戦争による社会資本の破壊の結果というのも納得できます。r>gを阻止するには累進課税の強化と世界的な資本税の導入であることも、理論から考えると当然の帰着でしょう。



The easiest Piqueti “super” introductory book – 2015/3/17

Purchased at 200 yen on July 16, 2017 / book off

It is Piqueti which became a big boom in 2015. CEO Yasuhiro Sato of Tower Corporation also was talking about Piketty for a while.

This book is the first time I learned about Piquéti. Well, it was such a story. Piquéti’s argument r> g is exactly the case, and it is convinced that it was the result of the destruction of social capital caused by war that only the high growth era of Showa was r <g. It is a natural consequence of thinking from the theory that strengthening of progressive taxation and introduction of worldwide capital tax is to prevent r> g.

I think that the disparity itself is not a problem, and I think that it is a problem that the disparity is fixed until exceeding generations, so I think that Japanese taxation system, especially inheritance tax, is helping in disparity.

For this book, it is written to make it easier to see for the sake of clarity. Although the talk of Titanic or Sundel comes out in the last person, I feel uncomfortable, but I think whether this is it.

