1. Decide if it is cram school or self-study
Those who are directly reflected in income for home construction qualification strongly recommend joining cram school and correspondence education. Fellows who can share goals are important.
I was self taught. It is because the job at home and the current job have nothing to do with it. We did not need to share goals either.
2. Buy reference books and exercise books
If you decide to go on your own, let’s purchase reference books and problem collections next. Since many kinds are out, let’s decide by looking at the contents yourself, even if you refer to the reputation of the net. To buy reference books and problem collections from the company of the same company.
Since the preference is divided among preferences, please buy the actual thing at a big bookstore instead of buying it on the net and decide it. In the case of me, things of TAC publication were much easier to use than the books of the Tsukuba Gakuin which I used in my unacceptable year.
3. Decide to pass
The pass rate is 15% for the home building. I thought it was during the examination supervision of a college entrance examination, but the passing rate when I was overseeing is about 15% and the passing rate is equivalent. So, if you are looking at the examination of the student, 50% of the students are psychedelic (or memories) taking. I do not think that it will pass from the beginning. 25% have a motivation, but to a slight degree better than a cold, there are only 25% who really are on or off. When I took the university, I believed that all the students were on the fall, so I was shocked by this discovery.
I think that it is the same if considering the passing rate also for the home building. I often hear stories about being bothered by my boss.
Let’s resolve to pass. That way it only enters 50% of the top. Afterwards you should study silently.
Conclusion: People who “absolutely want to receive” should go to preparatory school.
I have not considered thinking from going to prep school. It is because the current work and the building are completely unrelated and I thought that qualification of the home building works advantageously for apartment management and expansion.
However, the talk is different if the home building is directly connected with work.
To stay studying alone on the night or on a holiday needs a lot of mental power. Also, even studying by DVD like the picture above, it is possible to absorb knowledge with much less effort than studying on your own. This is an explanation DVD right after the simulation test, even if the instructor speaks “Mi chan well (fire prevention facility standard)” and it was clear that the memorization which had been having troubled so far could be made smooth.
Also, only those who share the same intention will gather at the preparatory school. People who are older at the company say “I can not work even if I do not have a home building” or “I just work on duty” or “I’m not bad, so I will not overdo it” or only negative words Even if you take a bath, you can tell the dream of the future at the preparatory school. If you look at excellent students longingly you will be admired and if you look at the students who came not to come, you can think that ‘I am different from him’.
Those who are directly connected to the future and have fallen into a home building for self-study, please consider a preparatory school next year. There seems to be course only for Saturdays and Sundays courses and simulation examinations. It is qualified to buy with money, you should buy anything that is directly connected to the future, no matter how high.
It is a change in the score of my practice test that I show on the graph. It was 4 weeks before the exam at LEC Sapporo that I got the first mock exam. At this time it was C rank at 28 points. Next, I received the model test of Ohara, although the score has gone up a bit, but still 31 points still. This was also C rank. TAC and LEC examination two weeks ago, TAC ranked A, LEC ranked B rank. In this exam, it was the same 39 points as LEC.
It was civic law that I enjoyed studying, but I could not take points because I did not remember the business law and restrictions. Even though I was studying, I could not think it was fun.
I thought that it was possible to do so at the very beginning of the LEC test, but when I finished the Ohara test I was stunned that the score did not go at all and I studied only the business law and restrictions until the exam of TAC, I got a point rise.
Compared to the 4th practice test which was about 31 to 33 passing lines, this year ‘s home building test is expected to be about 35 companies in each company. My wife’s saying “There is no score at all” is also available.
From tomorrow I will write about how to study, including what I fell last year.
Conclusion: If two kinds of comparisons should be made “refreshing home builder”
I used different reference books and problem collections last year and this year.
Last year is here. Rakurakujuku juku
This year is here. A refined home owner who understands refresher
Both were No. 1 in the Amazon when I tried to buy it.
Comparison of both
Rakurakujukujuku: Stance of learning anything. Detailed (although some people say that explanation is not enough in this book). I explain it politely. There are items that seems to be unnecessary in a short-term pass. There are many pun’s but too much to lose feeling of learning
A refined home builder: Remember the minimum, stance to ignore unnecessary items. Not familiar. However, when you look at the past question, most of the necessary points are listed. In order to pass it clearly tells where to split the power.
What is the most different is the area of the use area, what can be built in the area What is built at Rakurakujuku juku is trying to remember everything by psychology, whereas if you understand refreshing, you can solve the problem only by rough understanding, I assure you. In my case, I think that it was also influenced by the rakurakujuku juku that I was not good at this use area.
Although the question book will buy something that corresponds to this reference book, there are 3 books on elegance and the reference page of the reference book was clearly stated. One collection of problem collections. Since there was no description on the reference page and the examination for the previous year was provided in separate volume, I thought it was a bit unkind.
If you bought this refreshment last year it will be another matter whether you can pass or not, but if you want to pass in a short period of time you should definitely choose refreshing. However, since there are many reference books in the world, it is best to buy them while comparing at bookstores.
Conclusion: Let’s buy a collection of expected questions if there is room
I also bought a collection of expected questions. Since I will remember the past questions before the exam, I thought to solve the anticipated problem collection in order to break down the manneri. I bought the above issue of LEC exit.
I also ordered a TAC collection of Amazon sales first, but I ordered that it was already out of print and sold out late September 26, so it was not delivered until the exam day.
“Out-of-order” So if you think that the problems are lined up in each field, it is completely different, and the contents are divided into four simulation tests, each one rose and simulation tests are available at home. The same is true for the TAC problem collection.
Since it is impeccable, I tried it in a simulated test form over the course of 4 days a day, one week before this exam. The result was 36 points, 39 points, 40 points, 39 points. It seems that your level at that time is also shown in this collection of questions. It is pleasant to solve the problem while feeling a lot, “I wrote it over there” “It’s a problem at that time” “You should learn firmly”. However, I think that it will be acceptable for this exam if I can remember the past questions firmly without doing the expected problem collection.
As you can see from this graph, the score has increased significantly in the week from Ohara’s practice test to the TAC simulation test. We have been doing business laws and restrictions only for the past week.
Just before, LEC’s teacher repeatedly said on DVD, “It is business law and restriction”, it is right.
Embarrassing story, at the time of the first LEC examination, I also do not remember Mikchan’s good child (3rd floor 100 sq.m., 4th floor 1,500 sq m) of fire prevention architecture barely, and when I solve the past question I also study reference while lying down the reference book did.
It is my two years experience, but I will write about the following points from tomorrow on.
1. Is it self-study or preparatory?
2. Select Reference
3. The importance of practice exam
4. Unique atmosphere of production
5. Cause of the failure of the first year
Conclusion: Practice exam is essential
This year I took the mock exam 4 times. LEC 2 times, TAC 1 time, Ohara 1 time. The site you referred to is here.
The utility of the simulation test described therein is
① You can switch on to study
② nurture the feeling of the test
③ I can make a model exam as a pacemaker of study
④ Especially for statistical problems, I can study by the examination problem
That is exactly the case. If I had taken the mock exam even at least once in the last year I should have passed. Mock exams so much have the effect of accelerating learning.
In my case, the second qualification Ohara’s simulation test was a branch point. I could observe my level objectively, which led to my motivation for learning later. Since I took the mock exam at 4 times in Sapporo city, it took more than 20,000 yen for travel expenses but it is worth more than that (It was found that at the Asahikawa you can also take a practice test later.)
In addition, there is an explanation polite and carefully in the practice test, it also has the effect of seriously remembering the contents clearly by facing the problem. In my case, there were a number of problems that I could not solve in the practice tests in the past, and I realized my innocence. I took a look back at four of the actual exam two days ago.
Let’s take a mock exam absolutely. You should buy with gold the qualification you can buy with money.
Conclusion: Let’s take a practice test so as not to be swallowed by the atmosphere
When I first got a test of a house built last year, I was surprised by the number of people. In the large hall of the worker welfare hall of Asahikawa city, 200 people are entered tightly. From young people in their twenties, 60 is full There are many people who feel tired. Is the ratio of male to female five men and one female, or a bit more men? Next to me, I was a young older sister who was a good friend of the past past 60, this year last year. I was surprised that one out of ten people were absent.
I did not receive the practice test the last time and it was the first production so I was overwhelmed by the atmosphere and I did not understand the time distribution at all. I was surprised that it was not too long if I thought that the time was quite long like the past qualification exam. This year I have experience of last year and I got a lot of practice tests so I could finish the exam without getting anything. I thought that the initial civil law relation was difficult and troubled, but it faced quickly from the 10th question and it felt that I was able to pass clearly when I solved 50 questions.
No matter how many times you take the exam, the atmosphere is unique. But, I get used to it too. Let’s get accustomed to the atmosphere by taking the practice test.
Conclusion: Do not look at the world sweetly
The reason for failing last year is obvious. I was not seriously studying. In the past qualification exams fell about temporary exemption of motor vehicles and bike limitation release, and all the written exams have passed. I was sweetly watching that my home building could pass easily. For that reason, I did not do what I should do and I got rejected because I stole my money. I think now that I could pass if I had taken the mock exam at least once.
Do not look at the world sweetly. I understand that.
今年は スッキリわかる宅建士テキスト+スッキリとける宅建士過去問コンプリートとLEC出る順予想問題集で8000円位.それに模擬試験4回+交通費で3.5万円くらい
Conclusion: Past question center. You should do the method that suits you.
If you look it up on the net, there are various studying methods about home building.
It is probably 100% self-contained self-study who stands out. There is also a blog called Human Resources project that can be understood.
In my case, I only solved the past question last year. This year, I solved my past questions, received a practical exam, and finally made a collection of anticipated questions.
The cost was about 10,000 yen in total in last year. The book I used is a reference book of the Rakuraku Housing Juku series, three books in the past. What I did not use is one book “Understanding the Civil Code” and a collection of past issues of the Perfect House Building. I purchased the Perfect Home Building Early Question earlier, I bought a Series Questions Easy to Understand that the compatibility with the Raku-Ku Construction Journal Reference Book is very bad.
This year, it is 8000 yen in the collection of order prediction which the refreshing home builder text + refreshing home builder past question complete and LEC comes out. It is 4 times simulated test + about 3.5 million yen for transportation expenses
What I was able to sympathize most with reading blogs was the Hikaru human resources project. Other articles have various ways to do it, I enjoyed reading.
You can accept as many points as possible. A full mark is not necessary. Let’s do it your own way. Let’s remember the mechanism of the law centered on the rights relation while we have time, let’s restrict business law and legislation when we cut off the remaining month. As I showed my scoring graph earlier, the business law and restrictions can be scored with Gun for 2 weeks.
Absolutely acceptable, if you think that you can absolutely pass. There is no rejection unless you give up. let’s do our best
The most efficient investment is to invest in myself.
Especially if this is an investment directly reflected in income.
There is a person who professes to say that “I can not go to cram school because I do not have money and I can not qualify because I do not have money”, but this is only an indication of my stupidity. Where did you use the money earned?
“I will try my best at my favorite job, so money will come naturally”
“People who want to save money because they want to live a good life do not save money”
“People can win if they have courage, what is important is how tenacious you can work.”
If you are an adult society, money gets well when you need it. On the contrary, if money does not come up to you, you do not qualify to take the exam.